Join SHINE Today

Sell More Real Estate,

Attract the Right Clients, 

& Live a Life You Love 

Welcome to SHINE™


Join SHINE Today

The SHINE Membership Community is an all-in-one real estate success program that helps agents consistently grow and run badass real estate businesses, so you can enjoy your life, without the overwhelm, cheesy sales tactics, or inconsistent roller-coaster results.



So you’re a badass real estate agent. You are courageous, bold, and adventurous. Heck, you stepped up and got your real estate license, even when the haters told you about the 4 in 5 failure rate. 

You may have sold one house so far or a thousand. All you need to do is get in front of a client and the sale is made. But the endless demands on your time to keep your real estate business afloat are driving you nuts and creating the real estate roller coaster. 

Does this sound familiar? 

You either have time or clients.

The constant demands on you mentally are exhausting and virtually impossible to keep up with. On top of taking care of your clients, writing contracts, showing houses, answering text messages, and getting to that endlessly growing email inbox, you know you need to lead generate, run multiple social media channels, build and maintain back end systems and checklists, track dates, paperwork, marketing, know market and economic data, run your finances, not to mention fill up your gas tank, eat something (drive-through again?!!) and oh right, also that thing people talk about called sleep.

But the problem is, there is just too much to do. 

  • You’re losing sleep over your endless to-do list
  • Your phone Doesn’t. Stop. Buzzing.
  • Your clients ask you never-ending questions
  • You are sick of dealing with random leads that go nowhere
  • Your marketing is inconsistent at best, if you get to it
  • You are re-doing everything for each client

You are scared you are getting left behind. Even when you have a good month, you have that dark, scary feeling in your gut that tells you that next month won’t be as good because while you were selling, you weren’t “prospecting”. Ouch!

I totally get it, because I’ve been there. 

SHINE™ is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You are a real estate agent, broker, or team leader who wants to be in an awesome, supportive, and highly productive community.
  2. You are willing to put in the work to truly serve your customers even better than you already are.
  3. You are ready to live a life you truly love, without the overwhelm, frustration, or loneliness so common in our industry.
  4. You are kind, cool, and coachable. 
  5. You want to build wealth so you can use it to create a beautiful life for your family, give back to your community, and set an example for future generations of what is possible.
  6. You want to network with like-minded agents who run awe-inspiring businesses.
  7. You are ready to take the actions needed to sell more real estate, in a way that feels good. 
  8. You love cheering on your colleagues success in a positive environment.

If this is you, you'll love being part of SHINE, and we can't wait to see you inside!

Different from traditional programs, SHINE™

Begins With Uncovering YOUR Unique Strengths

No more advice that assumes all agents are the same, have the same goals, or have nothing on their plate besides selling real estate.

Focuses Your Energy on Doing the RIGHT Things, not ALL Things

Say goodbye to endless to-do lists and feeling like you're not keeping up. We will create your action steps together that work for your business and life. 

Teaches You How to Create a Client Attraction Machine

Stop chasing and start attracting. The old-school way of doing business is over. I will teach you how to build a client attraction machine so your clients come to you. 

Keeps Everything in Perspective

Selling real estate can be exciting, but if your life suffers because you don't have the right plan, it just isn't worth it. Mindset is often overlooked, and having a positive plan and tools is the difference-maker.

Your Success Path

Sell More, Live More Academy™

8 Sessions

Optimize your Unique Strengths, build a Marketing Machine that works, and focus on what really matters, so you can live a life of consistency and freedom.

Brass Tacks Mastery Sessions™

8 Sessions

The next level program that expands on Winning Marketing, Scaling Your Business, and Solidifying Your Systems to take your business to the next level.

SHINE Membership Community™

Ongoing Mastermind

Implement everything you have learned, with Monthly Success Themes on each critical element of your business.

PHASE 1: The Sell More, Live More Academy™

8 Modules

  • Module 1: Your Path to Victory - Leverage your strengths and weaknesses with my Signature Agent Type™ finder, stop the overwhelm, and begin your right fit playbook for success.
  • Module 2: The Client Attraction Engine - Work With the Clients You Love with Your Ideal Client Workshop. Use the same techniques used by the best marketers in the world to attract your business to you.
  • Module 3: Rock Solid Content Calendar - Create your exact step-by-step marketing strategy based on your Ideal Client Workshop. Know what to post, where to post, and when. No more guessing, no more overwhelm.
  • Module 4: The Right Follow-Up Gets The Right Results - Establish Your Powerful Action plan so you know which buyers, sellers, industry referrals, and communities you are going to target, how you will connect with them, with an exact calendar and budget.
  • Module 5: Proven Seller Success Playbook - Proven strategies to attract seller business, set the right expectations, and create a refined seller presentation that wins with my proven template.
  • Module 6: Proven Buyer Success Playbook - Attract buyers, set clear expectations and boundaries, and dramatically decrease problems by giving clients the right guidance throughout the process. concrete steps to make the process smoother, and create a refined buyer presentation.
  • Module 7: Systems - The Freedom Generator - Implement simple, easy-to-follow systems that are the Tipping Point to Freedom your Business. Sell more in less time by leveraging duplicatable systems.
  • Module 8: Bulletproof Your Business - Finish your Sell More Live More Playbook™ with proven mindset, productivity and efficiency tools that will keep you on track and consistent, even when the going gets tough.

PHASE 2: Brass Tacks Mastery Sessions™

8 Modules

  • Module 1: System Reboot - Dial in your business systems from Start to Finish
  • Module 2: Copywriting - Finding your voice, choosing your topic, writing your "hook", resonating with your audience, increasing engagement.
  • Module 3: Facebook Blueprint - Facebook must have's, Facebook ads manager basics, revisiting your Rock Solid Content Calendar
  • Module 4: Ideal Clients, Ideal Life - 3 Actionable steps to attracting your Ideal Clients, 3 Graceful Steps to finding your Ideal Life
  • Module 5: Economics 101 - Optimize Your Capacity, Profitability, Systems, and Budget
  • Module 6: Assistant Deep Dive - Step-by-step blueprint to hire, train, and retain staff to maximize your time and talents
  • Module 7: Mindset Reboot -  Expand past your Upper Limits and into your Zone of Genius
  • Module 8: Marketing Strategy Implementation - Dial in your winning marketing strategy


PHASE 3: SHINE Membership Community™

Monthly Success Theme Training & Implementation

  • Monthly Training Sessions - Focused, monthly sprints on key topics: Winning with Sellers, Buyers, Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Foundational Habits, Productivity, Breaking Through Your Upper Limits, Business Planning, etc.
  • Group Mastermind - Grow and Learn from the other agents in SHINE with hot seats, mastermind sharing, support, and a community that feels like family
  • Media Work Sessions: keep your momentum going with focused work sessions each week

Here's what you get when you Sign Up for SHINE Today:

  • The SELL MORE LIVE MORE ACADEMY, proven training to up-level your business and life
  • BRASS TACKS MASTERY SESSIONS, next-level strategic training
  • SHINE Membership Community so you implement everything you have learned
  • Monthly Mindset & Motivation Sessions with Sara Kalke
  • Monthly Live Q&A Strategy Sessions
  • Accountability, action and community
  • Downloads, worksheets and calendars
  • Proven, Winning Seller and Buyer Presentation Templates
  • A Full Social Media Content Calendar so you know what to post, where to post, and when
  • Access to the SHINE Private Insider Facebook Community
  • High-Level Marketing Strategy 
  • High-Performance Mindset Tools
  • Library List and Reviews of the Best Books on Marketing, Copywriting, Social Media, Personal Transformation and High Performance






One-Time Yearly Payment





First 15 sign ups only! Pay in Full for one year and get a Personalized Analysis of 2 of your Social Media Profiles.
After selling hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars of real estate from sources I can directly relate back to my social media strategy, I want you to have the same RESULTS, and no you don't need thousands of friends or followers.
This personalized analysis will help you get crystal clear on what message you are really giving to your followers, and simple tweaks you can make to your social media presence to leverage your existing connections.
The first version of this bonus SOLD OUT quickly so make sure to register right away! 

"I’ve already used this and it’s the best piece of advice. I wish I had learned this 20 years ago. Would have saved so much time/money and grief."

Deb VanWyck
On the Marketing Workshop

" I definitely feel more calm and confident when meeting with clients. I will now take the time to being super prepared because people come needing/wanting the guidance."

Rhonda Khrulak

"I have been a coaching member with a number of the big trainers, none of which fit well and I always felt like I was failing because I was not a cold calling machine. It was nice to get a glimpse into your structure, approach and mindset as they are more in line with who I am and how my business works, more accurately, how I would like it to work."

Dave McNear

"F*cking GOLD!!! This distinction right here is worth the course and then some. I could legit not watch the other sessions and I've got FAR more than 100x my money's worth this year with that insight!) ^THIS is why I showed up. I know you've got gems. Thanks for opening up and sharing!"

Justin LaFavor
On the Ideal Client Avatar Workshop of the course

"I think as Realtors we get lost in just working with 'any client or business' that comes our way, but in order to move forward to work with our ideal clients...we need to find ways to target them...duh?! We know that, but so nice to reiterate those tendencies and because of that, I'm working on a Marketing Plan that is specifically geared towards this types of people."

Cassandra Rush

"I have had an entirely fresh perspective on myself, my business and my life. The fear is the knowledge and logic that I agree with completely in the way you approach business but the habit of how business for me has been done for a decade. You also reminded me especially through Darren Hardy's quote that " you will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine" Small little changes can make significant outcomes."

Diana Baggett

"I am committed to being more competent -more books, more learning, I set meetings to learn more about home construction. I am more thoughtful. I am committed to being the best I can be through Clarity, commitment, consistency and competence."

Shauna Ylagan

"It has changed my mindset on how to approach and manage my clients' expectations, as well as finding ways to motivate myself when going through difficult times in my business"

Michael Arthur

"Really mastering my craft, hard truths in session 4. Loved every minute of it!! I feel a bit lighter. I love the fact that we can have fun with our work while mastering our skills. Taking care of ourselves is a huge part of be great at anything! I really enjoyed these sessions Sara. Thank you!"

Natalia Zammitti

"I have learnt that consistency is the key to a steady predictable business and principles discussed in the course support it. All tasks have been broken down into projects with a daily, weekly and monthly schedule for completion. Consistency is important but more important is self love and care, which has been implemented and is already making major changes in the last 6 weeks."

Shawna Eskiw


for training with Sara Kalke

"My business is exactly where I want it to be...I can work, travel, enjoy my family...and I have Sara's guidance and the Shine Team's positive influence to credit. My level of business is where I want it to be, consistently.  This is a great program for both newbies and realtors who have been in the trenches for many years. I highly recommend any one of Sara's programs." - Debbie Van Wyck, Orangeville

"I have no words to express my thanks to you. Sell More, Live More and Brass Tacks have completely changed my business and I have never had a better year. (I’m 4 deals away from the platinum award...something I never dreamed possible, especially with 3 kids under 6, during a pandemic, recession and all by myself with no assistant or help) So THANK have changed mine and and my family’s life. " - Janelle Kohlman, Lloydminster


"If you feel you are uncoachable, you found the right place. Not only is Sara all about the nuts and bolts of taking your business to the next level, she has an uncanny ability to drill in on the root of what has stopped you. Sara's course, and the people she brings together, are the missing link in the broken chain of the real estate professional." - Cynthia McGiverin, Ottawa


"Connecting with Sara is refreshing and energizing. Sara has a way of supporting and holding you accountable to yourself. If you even put into place 10% of what she shows you. You will see a difference in your business. If you put in place % 100 of what she shows you LOOK OUT! She walks you through step by step the systems that you need to create an amazing customer service experience. Sara is the right fit for you if you want to wow your clients and feel proud of your real estate business." - Danielle Jones, Port Coquitlam


"Today, I received an email for Outstanding Achievement for Q2 2020. I was not expecting this. But very grateful. The first I did was thank God and pause. In the midst of a pandemic, there are people who trusted me. Very humbling.  Now I would like to thank Sara Kalke, never had a coach or paid for one within my 7 years in the biz. 2019 was not a good year for me financially. I had to make a big change in order to plan for 2020.  I prayed and I know she was the one. I had interviews with others. It was not the best fit. From December to mid April, I was part of Sell More and Brass Tacks. This is the testimony that her coaching program delivers results. Hey, not making big bucks but I made money nonetheless. Thank you again for your guidance. I am available to chat if you need more proof. Perseverance, patience, in the middle of a PANDEMIC." - Monica Vera, Toronto


"Sara Kalke sees you where you are. She has an incredible talent of supporting you and guiding you to achieve what you want to achieve. You want more time ... she can help you carve it out. You want to develop a more targeted sales system ... she’s got you. If you are looking for a real estate coach who can guide you to be your best version of you Sara’s Live more, Sell more academy is a life changer." - Ginny Lee Deptula, Niceville Florida


"This course has helped clear away all the junk, all the build up of information I've gathered over the years. I appreciate Sara's approach, she's honest and creative. This course definitely inspires me to make some important changes in my business for the better."


"This course has given me an excitement about real estate that I had lost. It has made me think. It has made me reframe my thinking. And I love having the ability to replay the session because it solidifies or allows me to hear things I didn't on the live meeting."


"I love your fresh outlook to the old ways of doing things. The marketplace is evolving and personalizing things vs doing it robotically is a game changer."


"Thank you so much for putting this course together. I have learned something from every session. And will implement what I have learned moving forward. I have listened many people talk about what they do and how I should do it their way!!! I try for a short while but it never feels natural so I stop and go back to my ways. (And waste my money chasing shiny objects). It was very refreshing to listen to someone that does things similar to what I do but does it better or more effective! Even better it was fun and engaging (I am easily distracted!) So thank you again."

SHINE Membership is $333/month

(you can cancel anytime with 15 days notice) or $3,333 if you commit upfront for 12 months.


What My Most Successful Students Ask before joining SHINE™

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put, SHINE is different than one-sided training that teaches you more, but leaves you overwhelmed and alone. You are supported by the community, and the format that rides with you throughout your business.

You get next level training, focused not only on your business, but also on you living a badass life of freedom, peace, and satisfaction.

We will discover your greatest strengths and pitfalls so you can stop the overwhelm and create your own focused strategy, while avoiding the biggest mistakes that can really hold you back.

Based on my Proven High-Level Marketing Strategy, we will break down client attraction marketing into a simple step-by-step formula to attract your ideal clients consistently.


  • your unique Agent Success Finder™ results
  • your strengths and pitfalls, built into your own Agent Success Playbook
  • a repeatable content calendar that targets your ideal client,
  • a weekly, monthly and yearly plan to leverage referral sources, 
  • winning buyer and seller presentation templates
  • support and community that becomes like family

I get it. I tried all of the old ways too. SHINE™ is a fresh approach for modern times. 

It takes you step-by-step through new ways (the right way) of attracting clients, and creating relationships that last. 

If you feel like the old ways aren't working - the traditional "scripts" that just don't feel right, 7am cold calling, and ambushing online leads from complete strangers....

Or if you've taken a lot of training but feel alone and overwhelmed, without a framework for execution...

SHINE is the membership for you.

This program is about real business strategy.  It is about real tools to be a better real estate agent.

It is NOT about being an Instagram model, or becoming an entirely different person.

Modern success isn't just about pretty photos of agents sitting on countertops or sipping lattes. 😆

And we all know you can have all the followers in the world but still not sell any homes.

There is a lot of theory out there that says the new way to get business is to "crush it" on social media....

... but what makes the difference between "followers" and sales?

Yes you will get the tools to have a strategic, successful online presence.

But we won't be focusing on endless content creation that leaves you with no time for selling real estate or having a life.

So, what is the game-changer behind endless content creation and real success?

It is marketing that builds trust, technical ability, and follow-through.

Focus on contribution versus validation. 

There is a real strategy that works on social, and then there is trying to be everyone else. One just wastes time and the other gets you the freedom and success you really want.

I'm going to show you what to do to build trust, get more clients, sell more houses.... and then GET OFF YOUR PHONE so you can enjoy your freaking life!

The Sell More Live More Academy and Brass Tacks Mastery Sessions are delivered weekly, with a break over Christmas and New Years.

Then, you'll progress into the SHINE Mastermind, where we focus each month on implementing and executing your Success Strategy, Social Media, and Systems.

All sessions are recorded and available in your private member portal.

This is an AWESOME question.

This program is NOT right for you, if:

  • you're not willing to do the work. The course has easy to follow training, worksheets, calendars, and templates, but you have to show up!
  • you need someone to do the work FOR you. That's okay! There are some great options out there for one-on-one coaching that will walk you through the process together, step by step.
  • you already "know it all". If you already do it best, that's great! Keep your money, and take yourself on a nice rewarding vacation :)
  • you have a negative attitude. We are strictly a "positive vibes only" zone, in the course and the Insider Community on Facebook. No bashing, trashing, or making the experience unpleasant for others!
  • you aren't willing to ask for help. If you need an accountability partner - find one right away in the Facebook community (there will be a post specifically for this!).  If you need more information, ask!  There is a regular Q&A with Sara in the Facebook group, and I will be in the group every week to answer your questions. 

SHINE™ is just like my real estate business - absolutely NO pressure, and I want everyone to succeed.




  • The SELL MORE LIVE MORE ACADEMY, proven training to up-level your business and life
  • BRASS TACKS MASTERY SESSIONS, next-level strategic training
  • SHINE Mastermind Community so you implement everything you have learned
  • Monthly Mindset & Motivation Sessions with Sara Kalke
  • Monthly Live Q&A Strategy Sessions
  • Accountability, action and community
  • Downloads, worksheets and calendars
  • Proven, Winning Seller and Buyer Presentation Templates
  • A Full Social Media Content Calendar so you know what to post, where to post, and when
  • Access to the SHINE Private Insider Facebook Community
  • High-Level Marketing Strategy 
  • High-Performance Mindset Tools
  • Library List and Reviews of the Best Books on Marketing, Copywriting, Social Media, Personal Transformation and High Performance

About Sara Kalke

I am a real estate agent, coach, speaker, absolute optimist living the life of my dreams. I teach what I live - how to sell a ton of real estate while living a life of adventure, joy and fun. I have helped hundreds of real estate agents transform their lives, and spoken to thousands of agents on stages across North America, but more than anything, I love helping agents in the Shine Membership Community™. Click play on the video below for a little taste of what I'm all about.


Join Shine Today

(you can cancel anytime with 15 days notice) or $3,333 if you commit upfront for 12 months (you save $545 that way—and you get an awesome bonus too!)



Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results. 
I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.
Per Instagram rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram, Inc. or Facebook, Inc.

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